Diagnosis is a critical stage in patient care management. Clinical decisions that will affect the patient care and recovery will depend on the diagnosis.

Sequencing XXI was created by Levin Institutional Health Affairs to demonstrate that innovative diagnostic techniques, based on genomic medicine and bigdata, make it possible to gain in precision and time, which are essential to provide each patient with the most appropriate treatment in each case. 

The development of Sequencing XXI has resulted in a detailed report containing a set of proposals, formulated from different perspectives: scientific-technical, clinical assistance, economic and legal. 

The development of Sequencing XXI has resulted in a detailed report containing a set of proposals, formulated from different perspectives: scientific-technical, clinical assistance, economic and legal.

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SEQUENCING XXI is the result of the experience and knowledge of experts in medical oncology, pharmacology, health economics, health management, scientific researchers, and patient representatives under the coordination of Dr. Julio Sánchez Fierro. 
Julio Sánchez Fierro

Julio Sánchez Fierro

Project Manager

Lawyer, Former Undersecretary of Health and Consumer Affairs, and Former Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Health (Project Manager).

Begoña Barragán

Begoña Barragán

President of the Spanish Cancer Patients Group (GEPAC), and President of the Spanish Association of People Affected by Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia (AEAL).

Pilar Garrido

Pilar Garrido

Head of the Medical Oncology Unit at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital.

Álvaro Hidalgo

Álvaro Hidalgo

Chairman of Weber Fundation and Professor at Castilla La Mancha University.

Xavier Matias-Guiu

Xavier Matias-Guiu

Chairman of the Spanish Society of Pathological Anatomy (SEAP).

César Pascual Fernández

César Pascual Fernández

Project Director of the SEDISA Foundation (Sociedad Española de Directivos de la Salud).

Luis Paz Ares

Luis Paz Ares

Head of the Medical Oncology Service of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre.

Álvaro Rodríguez-Lescure

Álvaro Rodríguez-Lescure

Chairman of the Medical Oncology Spanish Association (SEOM).

Boi Ruiz

Boi Ruiz

Former Minister of Health of the Catalan Government.

María Sanjurjo

Head of the Pharmacy Service at the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón.

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