
Strategic Institutional Relations and Communications consultancy specialized in health that facilitates valuable connections among different agents of the ecosystem


We understand our clients
because we have been one of them


Nuestro equipo está integrado por profesionales de diversos perfiles que hacen de Levin una consultora que da servicios integrales, innovadores y personalizados, con la máxima responsabilidad, transparencia y rigor


Co-Fundadora y CEO

Comunicación y Reputación

Diseñamos planes de comunicación 360º, aunando estrategia y creatividad para fortalecer la imagen de marca de tú compañía


Impulsamos proyectos transformadores, a través del análisis de datos de patrones, tendencias y asociaciones.

Consultoría Estratégica

Diseñamos propuestas de valor que ayuden a nuestros clientes en la consecución y definición de sus objetivos, siempre bajo una visión estratégica y con resultados medibles

Relaciones Institucionales

Establecemos conexiones de valor entre los distintos stakeholders e influenciadores, para facilitar el desarrollo de proyectos comunes que sitúen a nuestros clientes como socio de confianza y referente en acuerdos innovadores

Pharma-Biotech and Food-Nutrition:

We design innovative solutions in the health area. Our team is distributed in departments specialized in the pharmaceutical sector and in food and nutrition.


We have a group of experts in several fields that we put at your disposal.

Julián García Vargas

Graduate in Economics at Complutense University of Madrid. Chairman of the ICO, Spanish Administrator of the UE’s European Investment Bank and Minister of Health and Defence. He is honorary president of TEDAE.

Emilio Moraleda Martínez

Graduate in Law at Complutense University of Madrid and Social Graduate. He has been HR manager at Lab Beecham (now GSK), CEO of Pfizer in Spain and Europe and chairman of Farmaindustria. Currently, he is the chairman of Talento Farmacéutico.

Javier Ellena Aramburu

Higher education in Economics at National University of Rosario (Argentina). CEO, Managing Director and chairman of Eli Lilly & Company. He is partner in Talento Farmacéutico y Sanitario.

Jesús Tornero Molina

Doctor of Medicine from the UAH and associate professor in the Department of Medicine. He is currently Honorary President of SER and head of the Rheumatology section at the Hospital Universitario General of Guadalajara.

José Martínez Olmos

Graduate in Medicine and Surgery at University of Granada, specialist in Public Health, Secretary General of Health, Spanish Deputy and Senator. He is currently professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health.

Vicente Guillem Porta

Graduate in Medicine and Surgery at University of Valencia. He is Official Visitor at the Royal Marsden Hospital and MD Anderson, chairman of SEOM and head of Medical Oncology at IVO. He is president of the ECO Foundation.

Jesús M. Rodrígo

Graduate in Education Sciences, CEO of the Spanish Alzheimer’s Confederation CEAFA and member of the European and Iberoamerican management board of Alzheimer.


We have a group of experts from various fields that we put at your disposal.

Rafael Urrialde

Chairman of Levin's Food Advisory Board. Doctor in Biological Sciences. Academic member of the RAED. President of the Scientific Committee of SEMED. Honorary member of the CGOF

Jorge Jordana

Trustee of the Institute on Advanced Studies on Food of Madrid.

Pilar Ayuso

Doctorate in Agricultural Engineering from the National Corps of Agricultural Engineers of the State.

Ángel Gil

Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Granada. Chairman of the Iberoamerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT).

Aquilino García Perea

Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Professor at the University Isabel I of Burgos. National Board Member of the CGCOF.

Luis Morán

Chairman of the Executive Committee of the General Council of Official Professional Bodies of Dieticians-Nutritionists.


We promote the development of collaborative projects, accompanying you in all phases of the process.

  • Asesoría estratégica de asuntos públicos
  • Diseño, planificación y ejecución de planes estratégicos
  • Identificación y gestión de gaps
  • Análisis e inteligencia: informes y documentos
  • Radar político: seguimiento regulatorio y legislativo
  • Identificación de actores y mapas de influencia
  • Programas de formación in-house
  • Llamada a la acción: ámbito europeo, nacional y autonómico
  • Conexiones de valor en el marco institucional
  • Encuentros multi-stakeholders
  • Establecimiento de alianzas
  • Impulso de iniciativas legislativas
  • Medición de objetivos a partir de metodología propia
  • Consultoría estratégica de comunicación
  • Gabinete de prensa
  • Planes de RSE
  • Inteligencia competitiva
  • Gestión de crisis
  • Diseño y acompañamiento en la implantación de cultura corporativa
  • Diseño, reposicionamiento y cambio de identidad
  • Planes de reputación corporativa online y offline
  • Notoriedad posicionamiento de marca y altos ejecutivos
  • Formación de portavoces
  • Estrategia de comunicación online
  • Campañas de sensibilización
  • Fidelización de empleados y gestión del cambio
  • Comunicación digital y desarrollo de contenidos
  • Strategic Public Affairs Consulting
  • Design, planning and execution of strategic plans
  • Gaps’ identification and management
  • Analysis and Intelligence: reports and documents
  • Radar Político: regulatory and legislative monitoring
  • Stakeholder identification and influence mapping
  • In-house training programs
  • Call to Action: European, national and regional level
  • Valuable connections in the institutional area
  • Multi-stakeholder meeting
  • Establishment of alliances
  • Promotion of legislative initiatives
  • Mediation of objectives based on our own methodology
  • Strategic Communication Consultancy
  • Press Office
  • CSR Plans
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Crisis Management
  • Design and Implementation of Corporate Culture
  • Design, Repositioning and Identity Change
  • Online and Offline Corporate Reputation Plans
  • Notoriety Brand and Top Executives Positioning
  • Public Speaking Trainings
  • Online Communication Strategy
  • Awareness Campaigns
  • Employee Loyalty and Change Management
  • Digital Communication and Content Development


Our best indicator


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam

Corporate Social Responsibility

Committed with the Society

At LEVIN we are fully committed to the 2030 Agenda promoted by the UN. Through our projects and our corporate policies, at LEVIN we work every day to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Where ideas are born to become trends


Radar Político is an exclusive and innovative web tool developed by Levin. It collects and analyses all political, parliamentary and government initiatives related to health.
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SEQUENCING XXI is a pioneering initiative in Spain, developed by Levin Public Health Affairs in collaboration with Roche Farma and coordinated by Julio Sanchez Fierro. The objective of SEQUENCING XXI is to deepen, analyse and expose the challenges and opportunities of the molecular diagnostics in Oncology, as a key element to improve clinical results and the quality of life of patients.
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Public Affairs Academy is an innovative training program developed by Levin that will provide you with the necessary keys to learn about Institutional Relations and Health Affairs.
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Let's talk

Plaza de la Encina 10-11 • Edif. La Encina
28720 Tres Cantos • Madrid